Brick Wealth Management develops and manages core portfolios for its clients. We assist our clients in identifying their investment objectives regarding growth, income, and protection of principal to develop a custom asset allocation that considers their needs and risk tolerance. Core portfolios are comprised of a diversified array of companies’ representative of different sectors of the economy. Stocks are selected based upon attractive valuations within their industry peer group as well as their favorable prospects for future growth.
Reducing volatility through broad diversification is a hallmark of Brick Wealth Management’s investment style. A thematic approach to the economy is used to identify sectors that may be poised for upturns and to determine weightings therein. At various times in an economic cycle, certain industries may be over-weighted relative to the market with the expectation that they will outperform. Portfolios are positioned so that some equities participate when certain sectors are in favor while minimizing the impact of those which have fallen out of favor. Portfolios are constructed with enough diversification to withstand many market environments while meeting the risk profile and return objectives of our clients.
Typically, a “buy” of an equity security represents a small percentage of total account value. Brick Wealth Management invests new accounts (and new money in existing client accounts) in equities that are attractive at that time. While portfolios may hold many of the same securities, the exact array of holdings is the result of current economic and market factors and those securities which are deemed favorable for investment at the time the account is initiated.
Portfolios are managed for overall portfolio performance and investment opportunities. The relative weightings of individual positions and industries may be adjusted over time in accordance with Brick Wealth Management’s economic outlook. Each account is managed on an individual basis and security weightings vary according to the needs of each client.